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About Guruji

Shastrishree Dr. Rupnathji

Spiritual Dharma Guru, Vak Siddha Mahapurush, Orthodox Hindu,
Lord Shiva Gotra, Rudraj Brahmin, Nath (Yogi),
Deeksha Guru Paramahamsa — 
"Shastrishree Dr.Rupnathji (Dr.Rupak Nath)"

7 Times Gold Medalist, Ph.D. & D.Sc. (Astrology, Tantra & Vastu), Many National & International Award Winner (Jyotish Chikitsa Bhusan, Jyotish-Tantra-Vastu Samrat, Raj Jyotish, Tantra Vidya Vibhusan, Tantra Maharaj, Yoga Siromoni, Jyotish Martanda, Hastarekhatattwa-Samkhyatattwa Visharad, Jyotish-Tantra-Samkhyatattwa Churamoni, Jyotish-Tantra-Vastu Samadhan Siromoni, Jyotish-Tantra Surya, Jyotish Bharati, Hastarekha Marmagya Siromoni, Vastu Acharya Siromoni, Jyotish Tattwavetta, Jyotish-Vastu-Ank-Samudrik Shastracharya, Jyotish-Vastu-Samudrik Shastra Maharshi, Jyotish Padmashree, Jyotish Saraswati, Jyotish Bachaspati, Jyotish Vidyabaridhi, Ank Jyotish Acharya, Ank Vidya Maharshi, Jyotish Vaskar Acharya, Jyotish-Vastu Brihaspati, Jyotish Mahasagar, Vedang Jyotish Sagar, Jyotish Mahabharatacharya, Jyotish Daivagya Siromoni, Sankatmochanacharya, Jyotish Mahamahacharya, Mahamohopadhyay, Viswa Jyotish Vidyarnava, Jyotish Digvijoee etc.).

Shastrishree Dr.Rupnathji (Dr.Rupak Nath). The name was offered by Jagad Guru H.H.Sankaracharya. He was awarded by Ph.D. (TRAD & GEN. Medicine), Regd. Medical Practitioner No.A-9916. He also awarded by D.Sc. (Sanskrit Darshan, Tantra. Astrology and Vastu). Dr.Rupnathji also nationally, internationally recognised project scientiest. Dr.Rupnathji has taught rare spritual growth process in the Kundali Jagaran Yoga Vidya Tradition for several years.

If you are suffring from any kind of diseases or aliments and have tried all conventional therapies and not cured, you may please contact for Black-magic, Tantra & Astrological Remedies / Solutions. You may send your photograph or/and Name, Date of Birth, Time, Place regarding your subject concern.

Valued Remedial Suggestion is given by Shastrishree Dr. Rupnath Ji for those who are admitted in Nursing Home or Medical ICU and not cured, the well wisher of the patient may contact for Remedial Suggestion.

There no any doubt that Tantra Siddha Maha Yogi Shastrishree Dr.Rupnathji (Dr.Rupak Nath) is highly realized yogi who has acquired many Siddhis and have the miraculous powers on his disposal, which he used discriminately only for the propagation of Dharma. Tantra Siddha Maha Yogi Shastrishree Dr.Rupnathji (Dr.Rupak Nath) commanded respect for yogis at every place he has visited and his ways to make this happen is very unconventional, Unpredictable and incredibly powerful, Tantra Siddha Maha Yogi Shastrishree Dr.Rupnathji (Dr.Rupak Nath) is as alive God amongst people, who knows the past and future and who able to bless and punish, both things which he frequently used to do. Tantra Siddha Maha Yogi Shastrishree Dr.Rupnathji (Dr.Rupak Nath) is highly spiritual person, and for him there is no any difference between mighty Kings and simple people, as well as between gold and stones. Since young age Tantra Siddha Maha Yogi Shastrishree Dr.Rupnathji (Dr.Rupak Nath) has been famous for performance of different miracles and there exist lot of stories connected with his childhood, which is impossible to mention in this short space. The life of Tantra Siddha Maha Yogi Shastrishree Dr.Rupnathji (Dr.Rupak Nath) is full of so many different miracles he has performed, that it is impossible to mention all of them in this short article, for a separate book would be required to mention all of them.

Siddha Yogi Shastrishree Dr.Rupnathji (Dr.Rupak Nath) has "Vak siddhi" meaning whatever he says has the power of turning into reality. "Vak" means speech or voice, so "Vak Siddhi" literally means accomplishing a pure ability to use words. Attaining mastery of it, Siddha Yogi Shastrishree Dr.Rupnathji (Dr.Rupak Nath) gains the ability to make changes to the physical material universe. "Vak siddhi" depends upon pure intentions. "Vak siddhi" means whatever one speaks turn to be true. Yes, God only gives power to those who have pure intentions and the feelings of harmlessness to everyone. Practicing Satya will bring one naturally to "Vak Siddhi". The word is a force; it is the intent. That is why our intention manifests through the word no matter what language we speak. The "vak siddhi" gave Shastrishree Dr.Rupnathji (Dr.Rupak Nath) the power to make whatever he say or think turn out to be true. In other words, Siddha Yogi Shastrishree Dr.Rupnathji (Dr.Rupak Nath) got the power to accomplish things by mere thought. This is also known as psychic speech. Using "Saraswati siddhi" (the siddhi by which the essence of great scriptures becomes known to him) along with "Vak siddhi" (the siddhi of superlative communication) Siddha Yogi Shastrishree Dr.Rupnathji (Dr.Rupak Nath) can cast a strong impression in the minds of people as regards imparting knowledge and virtue to them. People who hear the words or read material written by the Siddha Yogi Shastrishree Dr.Rupnathji (Dr.Rupak Nath) proficient in this siddhi become mesmerized and willfully compelled to follow his instructions or directions. Siddha Yogi Shastrishree Dr.Rupnathji (Dr.Rupak Nath) is so impelled and charmed by the vivacity and clarity of the words that they immediately consent from within to abide by his advice. Knowledge and truth flow seamlessly and effortlessly from the mouth of Siddha Yogi Shastrishree Dr.Rupnathji (Dr.Rupak Nath) like the clear waters of a free flowing river. There is great impact on people when he uses this siddhi. Using this siddhi, Siddha Yogi Shastrishree Dr.Rupnathji (Dr.Rupak Nath) can turn a non-beleiver of God into a believer, a worldly man into one spiritually minded (if possible in the recipient's karma). With his words, he can turn an evil and dishonorable person into one who adopts the principles and tenets of Dharma (righteousness). It is not possible for people to find fault or go against the teachings of such a Yogi, for his words are a reflection of "Maa Saraswati (The goddess of knowledge)" and backed by the absolute truth of Brahman (Almighty).

Shastrishree Dr.Rupnathji (Dr.Rupak Nath) is very famous among Hollywood-Bollywood-Film-Cricket Stars, Businessman, Politicians and World Leaders.

काला जादू और किया कराया हटाना, बंधन दोष मुक्ति, बुरी नज़र से सुरक्षा, भूत प्रेत बाधा, हर प्रकार के वशीकरण करना या तोडना, संतानहीनता ( संतान प्राप्ति ), कोर्ट केस समस्या, शिक्षा, नौकरी पाना या तरक्की, व्यापार अवरुद्ध, ऋण ( कर्ज मुक्ति ), प्रेम विवाह, रूठे प्रेमी प्रेमिका को मनाना, मनचाहा खोया प्यार पाए, माता पिता को शादी के लिए राज़ी करना, वास्तु दोष, पारिवारिक समस्याएं, गृह क्लेश, पति पत्नी में अनबन, सौतन से छुटकारा, विवाहेतर संबंधों, विदेश यात्रा में रुकावट, दुश्मन से छुटकारा, काल सर्प दोष, मांगलिक दोष, पितृ दोष, साढ़े -सती, शारीरिक मानसिक स्वास्थ्य समस्याएं, नवग्रह शांति आदि !! सभी समस्याओ का हल सिर्फ एक फ़ोन कॉल +91-9954375906

त्रिकालदर्शि विश्व प्रसिद्ध वशीकरण स्पेसलिस्ट, काला जादू समाधान विशेषज्ञ तन्त्रशास्त्रज्ञ, वशीकरण, सम्मोहन, उच्चाटन, मारण, अकाल मृत्यु, भूत, पिशाच, तंत्र बाधा, डाईन, मूठ, मारण या आसुरी शक्तियों का कोप, आप के जीवन की हर मुस्किल से मुस्किल समस्याओ का पक्का समाधान करते है बाबा रुपनाथ गुरुजी !!

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